How I Waste Time on YouTube

Over about the last 6-9 months I’ve gotten kind of obsessed with these choreography videos on YouTube. There are a few different choreographers that put together these dance routines with generally the same crew of dancers. They pick current songs or remixes of current songs. I love seeing how they interpret the song, and it’s so cute seeing the younger kids in the group doing these intense hip-hop moves. If you’re ambitious you can watch the tutorial and do it yourself (I’m not that ambitious). These are like potato chips- once you pop…

This is the one that originally sucked me in- WilldaBeast Adams- Upgrade U by Beyonce

My favorite choreographers for these videos are Matt Steffania, Willdabeast Adams, and Tricia Miranda. It’s hard to pick favorites, but here’s my top five:

Matt Steffanina- Ayo by Chris Brown and Tyga

Matt Steffanina- Hotline Bling- Justin Bieber Remix

Tricia Miranda- WTF by Missy Elliot

WilldaBeast Adams- Formation by Beyonce

WilldaBeast Adams- Countdown by Beyonce (btw-he’s non-Beyonce songs as well)

Which one is your favorite?

Getting the Hang

So as you may or may not know, I recently moved to Northern Virginia to start a new job in the District of Columbia. The move was definitely a big deal to me because even though I’ve lived in Virginia for the past two years, Williamsburg and DC are two different animals.

At this point I’ve been in my new apartment and my new job for about a month and a half, and I felt a tangible change this week. I did a little bit of on site work for my job at different locations in the city, and had some social engagements in some new areas that I haven’t explored. Even though I continually experience new areas, this week it went from an exhausting experience of relying on google maps every five minutes and looking up the metro map several times a day, to recognizing neighborhood names and starting to piece them together on the map in my head.

I definitely have a better sense of place, and I’ve gotten closer to a decent daily routine so the daily adventures are not such an ordeal. I feel like I caught my wind for the moment. I realize I still have a lot more to explore, a lot more to experience and some unresolved moving details to finish up, but I think the wind changed in DC this week, and it’s starting to feel more familiar every day.

What are you up to this weekend? I’m looking forward to a low key weekend of errands, some shopping, and hopefully I’ll get a chance to go see “Lee Daniel’s The Butler.”


Give Thanks to Those Who Deserve It

Happy early Thanksgiving everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on my life and all the blessings I have been given. I am always grateful for my wonderful friends and my loving family. This Thanksgiving I am especially grateful for the gift of life. With my grandmother passing on in the spring and my friend’s sister passing on last month, I realize that I am appreciative of the life I have been granted.

In the words of my dear friend, I am only a visitor on this earth. I am not sure how much time I have in this world so I have to make the most of it. I am no longer going to take life for granted. I am going to take advantage of every opportunity I have in this life and create moments that will only make my life better. There is no need to hang on to something or someone that I know is poisoning my life. I am going to use this holiday season as a time to put the final touches on my present life and allow myself to start on a fresh canvas in the new year.

Maybe you might want to give it a try too;) You never know what the outcome may be.