Let the Halloween decorating begin…

Thanks to Sadie’s inspirational blog entry, I decided that I needed to read Jen Lancaster’s The Tao of Martha.  Since I began reading this memoir, I have cleaned out and reorganized my wardrobe closet, laundry room, and utility closet.  I have come up with some clever ideas for organizing along the way (these ideas will be posted at a later date).  Jen and Martha have also motivated me to use my creativity to decorate for Halloween.  I made a trip to Michael’s to pick up a few supplies…of course I checked out the Martha Stewart section because you really don’t need much else!  I only purchased a bottle of glue, glitter, and some fun scrapbooking labels.  This is what I came up with.  Of course, I also made a pit stop to TJ Maxx for the haunted house candles and owl candle holders.

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My mantle is now decorated and it only cost about $40.  The only thing I already had was the fall leave garland that you see in the back and the ceramic pumpkin bag in the center.   I found all of the glass bottles and jars around the house.  You can use empty wine bottles, beer bottles, perfume bottles, vinegar and oil bottles…anything that you think looks good.  I simply either glued or taped the scrapbook labels depending on whether I wanted to permanently use the bottle for decoration for years to come.  If the bottle was empty, I used colored soap or spices I had around the house to fill the jars.  I have one more craft project to make the mantle complete.   Don’t worry I’ll let you have a look at that one too.  In the meantime, get inspired!

Bucknell Love

Today I was outlet shopping and I couldn’t resist this Coach wristlet that is representative of our Alma Mater. It will be perfect for any Bucknell event that I attend in the future. Talk about a great way to represent school pride and fashion forward thinking at the same time. To all you Bucknellians out […]

Coffee Talk

Ok, apartment update time. So far I have lived there for about two months and I’ve purchased a new couch, dresser, and rug for my living room. So with the new rug in place and the couch and dresser arriving next weekend (I am sooo looking forward to having seating and storage), I think it’s time to move onto the next phase of the design: coffee and accent tables.

I currently have a set of a coffee table and two accent tables that I acquired a few apartments ago when a friend of a friend was upgrading their furniture. The were free and nice enough to look decent and get the job done. At this point, however, they take up too much square footage in my living room. I think the room would definitely benefit from some more compact tables. My current tables have black metal frames and a glass top, and I think a better look for my new living room would be more in the natural wood and metal direction. Here are some I have considered so far(if you click on the image it should take you to the product site):

Angeled Base West ElmC Table West Elm Industrial Coffee Table West Elm Cast Base West Elmdixon-coffee-table

Ok, which one should I get?